Pedagogy for Dance Teachers

Dans Öğretmenleri için Pedagoji

This training is for dance teachers from any style who want to develop themselves pedagogically and for instructors who teach movement-oriented classes!

Although the basic material of dance education is the body, in principle, its education is not different from the learning processes of any other creative field.

If you are an instructor in this field, being trained in a master-apprentice relationship with a dance teacher without scientific pedagogical knowledge may not be sufficient for your professional life in the changing conditions of the time.

Knowing the scientific foundations of the work in terms of educational sciences will increase the quality of your professional practices and make you feel safe, while contributing to the positive change that dance art will create in your students and society.


  • Learning body-oriented scientific learning theories
  • Introducing new approaches to classroom management
  • Learning how to create a creative, equitable and inclusive classroom environment
  • To review the basic operation plan and evaluation criteria of the dance course
  • To contribute to the establishment of productive and supportive relationships in areas such as classroom communication, parent-school management
Adult Classes

Ecosomatic Moves

Ecosomatic movement workshops offer a holistic movement experience that enables adults to establish a deep connection between their bodies

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